Welcome to CrAzY kitty!

Welcome to CrAzY kitty!

Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Random, but the cutest cupcake in the world.
^ The second custest rat in the world,
^ The cutest rat in the world,
I've lately been calling the rats 'Ratties' so often I've come to accept that as they're name.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Kitty pics

Angel, (1) Chester, (2).

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

The Best Song Ever


Ta-da! The duck song. I can't stop staring at it...

Chester is cute and rotten, as normal.
Angel is sleepy, like normal.
Lickorish is losing wight.
My big sister, Saren, just got back from a trip to NY to see her friends.
And today she dyed my hair, again, red because the last red faded to nothing but orange.
Mimi& Skittles are rats, like normal.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Me and my cat

This is my and Angel at dinner.

ME: Hello, Angel! Pleased to meet you. Might you have dinner with me?
Angel: Yes, I would love too.
Me: So, tell me what you do for a living?
Angel: I sleep.
Me: Huh..?
Angel: I sleep for a living. It's a very nice job. In fact, I come for a family of cats that sleep for their jobs.
Me: Oh, haha, but your a human.
Me: So, when you go to this 'sleep', is it like a whole building?
Angel: No, no. I have the whole WORLD to sleep on!
Me: Then what's your most favorite spot?
Angel: Well, I like the playroom on this self..
Me: What's your family like? Do you have a mom? A dad?
Angel: I have a sister named Lickorish who lives with me. I used to have a mom, named Kiki. And I have a best friend who also lives with me named Chester. She is really nice.
Me: How lovely! And what does Chester and Lickorish do?
Angel: Lickorish sleeps with me. I find her on a purple chair in the playroom. Chester is half time wild and half time sleep.
Me: I see.
Angel* Bite in to his tuna samwich
Me: What's your most favorite food, Angel?
Angel: Cat food.
Me* Stares at Angel and says, "I see."
Angel: So, you like cat food?
Me: No..I think cat food is more for cats, but it's not my mouth that your feeding.
Angel: It's quite good.
Me: Well, you have a very nice life, Angel. I look forward to seeing you again.
Angel* Grins and get's up and without a word leaves.


Monday, August 09, 2010


Lickorish is a fat, lazy cat, as you all most likely know. We are trying to make her skinner, so we've been feeding them wet food from a can, and not dry food. They get one can in the morning, and one at night. So far, it seems to be working. Anyway, Lickorish likes cat toys, but will pat at them if they are near her. I'm trying to find another way for her to move around.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

One: I died my hair, and two: Chester is cute.

I love it. Sooo cool.

Chester was sleeping on my bed this morning, and so was Lickorish, and they were so cute. They were sleeping side by side, Chester's face pressed in to Lickorish's belly. I wish I had token a picture.
Anyway, here's a picture of Chester from a while back:

And I love grape juice! (Before I died red)

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy birthday, Chester!

Happy birthday, Chester! Today is my cats birthday! Yay! I got her a toy mouse from Petsmart a few days ago, and she loved it when I gave it to her this morning. I also made her her very own castle in my room. (But she doesn't know about it yet, so shhh!) I will change my back round to PARTY CHESTER STYLE! And later today I'll put on some pictures of her.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Chester's birthday is soon!

Chester is real happy about her birthday on the 31th of July. She'll be three years old! When we got her, she was a stray, living in our yard, along with her sisters and brothers and other cats. We had seen her and like, five million other cats, before. Then, one day, Chester came to our back door, and meowed. Saren opened the door and she came running inside, just like that. And so, because of a book, (I hadn't known that Chester was a boys name) I called her Chester. Now, that was the date we got Chester, but her sisters, (We named Tigerlilly and Little Kiki) were gotten the day before. But we gave them to a new owner, so of course we don't have them any more. And that's how we got Chester, are rotten, crazy, awesome, cute cat.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Poll results

On my latest poll, if you voted for FALL ASLEEP, then you are most like my cat...Lickorish! If you voted for LISTEN TO THE VOICES IN MY HEAD..THEY KNOW WHAT TO DO. then you are most like my cat Angel! And the last one was Chester.. but know one voted for that one.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Kitty pics

Angel, Lickorish, Chester, Sikttles+Mimi.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

See the poll?!

See the new poll? At the end of it, then I blog, "If you voted for this, your most like Lickrish. if you voted for this, your most like Chester! etc.

So go ahead and vote!

Friday, July 16, 2010


Hi. Chester! Lickorish! Angel!

See that scratch on Lickorish's nose? It's from Angel giving her it in a fight.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

100th post and thingy

This is my 100th post on CrAzY kitty! YAYAY

My other Blog, Youngwirters Blog, well, now to go to it, you have to go to, http://harperwrites.blogspot.com/

Another poll RAT VS. CAT


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rat's turn to blog

It's Ski's turn to blog.

And Chester's.

Monday, July 05, 2010

New blog for writeing

I am going to be a writer when I grow up. And now, I will have a whole blog for my books! Rules: Do not take my ideas.

I will till you when I'm done with it.

UPDATE: My blog is called Young writers blog. If you want to read any of my story's, go to, http://youngwirtersblog.blogspot.com/2010/07/rain-dance-chapter-one.html

My books will never be on this blog any more. I will try to keep writing.

Happy Fourth of July! (And today, july 5th, in 179 days it will be 2011!!!)

Fact: Chester is sleeping when I am blogging.
Next fact: It is true; in 179 days it will be 2011.
Next fact: Rats are cute.
Next fact: I like rats.
Next fact: Cats are cute.
Next fact: I like cats.
Next fact: I just herd my dad playing the Wii down in the living room.
Next fact: Pickles.
Next fact: Chester's really happy about her birthday on July 31.
Last fact: Bye! (And that's not really a fact)

Friday, July 02, 2010

New book part two

Star turned to face Lake. "Lake, calm down. We can work this out. Just give Gray a second to realize that we have to go. Why don't you go and get ready to go?" Lake hissed, turning away, and left. Gray's fur was fluffed up, yellow eyes were wide with stockiness. "It's okay, Gray. Lake was just being rude. It's nothing to worry about. Now go get ready to go." Stars voice was clam, and gentle. "But I have friends here!" Star sighed. "What friends?" Gray felt as if her world was turning upside down. "I..I don't have any. I just made that up." Star looked at Gray with a hint of saddens. "I know how you feel." Gray turned around and left, her tail and head drooping. When Gray had gone, Lake came back. "You were mean to Gray, Lake. She would have been happy to go, if you had not yelled at her. I think you should try and make up for what you did."

It for now


Today Im ten years old! I went to the park. I am going to have a cake and lasagna for dinner. Yay!

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Kitty and me

Part one

Here is part one of my story. More soon.

"Is Gray ever going to come?" Lake was asking. "I don't think so, and if she does not come soon, then we will go without her." Star said. Then, a gray tabby cat with yellow eyes jumped out from the bush's. "I'm here!" She hissed. Star got up, and dipped his head to the she-cat. "Greetings, Gray. It's good to see you." Lake meowed in agreement. "It's good to see you too, Star, Lake." Gray replied. Lake padded up to Star. "I don't know about her.." She whispered in his ear. Gray sat down too lick herself. "Come on, Gray is my sister. Besides, if we go without her, then we will not know which way to go." Then, more loudly, he said, "Okay, Gray, lead the way." Gray had been licking her chest. She paused to say," I don't even know what you want me for." Star's orange fur glowed in the moon light. He sighed, and said, "We are going to go in to the wild. And we are going to live there." Gray's ears went flat on her head. "Why?!" She hissed. "We can't live here anymore. The people are going to ruin life here. The wild will be the best place for us." "What will we eat? Where will we go? There are no forests near, and no way am I going to walk all that way just for-" "SHUT UP GRAY." Lakes fur was fluffed up, as she hissed the words. "We are going to go, and you can stay here with no shelter for the rest of your life, if you would like to. I'm sorry, but we don't have a choice."

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New book coming soon

I am going to write and put a book on here like I did with that other one. About cats. A few kittypets-Er I mean house cats.... One named Lake. One named Star. And one named Gray, will meet a kitten who will change they lives forever!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Just some stuff about stuff

My birthday is on July 2. Er...I don't really know why I am posting this, but I am.

I am really exited about Warriors the cat book. I have made a Warriors fan club blog, am on the 3thd series called Omen of the stars. Yes, that book is sad sometimes (Cats die) But I can't stop reading it. I just wish it was like..You know...The same thing just....Better. Also. Please, if you are reading or going to this book, then tell me.
I don't know why...

So back to cats and rats! Chester is so good at "Reach" a trick we like to do, where I put my hand and, say "Reach!" And Chester will grab my fingers and pull them down, and I will give her some petting's or a treat. She is getting real good at it. Even Lickorish is starting to learn it.

Rats are so cute! Mimi and Ski. (Nicknames for Milky-way and Skittles.)

Harper wants a Hamster.

Hamster fact: Hamsters are cute!

Warriors fan club blog

I now have a Warriors fan club blog. If anyone that reads my blog and reads Warriors, then go look at it! http://warriorsfanclubblog.blogspot.com/

Its for Roleplaying and talking about the books, and stuff.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Poor Lickorish and Angle

Angle gave Lickorish two scratch's, in a fight, and Angle had a clump of fur on him and Saren pulled it out and now he has a bold spot on him. :(((((

Thursday, June 17, 2010


There is a book about cats, called Warriors. Its by Erin Hunter. Its all I do, read it.
The first book is called: In to the wild. There are 4 sires, and each of them have 6 books. I am reading one from the 3ed sires, called: Sunrise. Its about a clan of cats, strays, and each one uncovers a big secret. I love Warriors! Each cat has there own personality, and each cat holds a secret. Its the only book I know of that is about stray cats.

UPDATE: I am done with Sunrise, and something upsetting happened. One of my favorite charters died, along with a upsetting secret. I know I should not read more Warriors books, but I know im going to make myself to it. I am so sad about it. I know I should not read it.......

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Kitty cats

Chester's birthday is on July 31! She is so exited, about getting a tuna cake, getting hugs and pets, but mostly getting gifts. I'm going to get her some toys from pet smart, like a couple of those 99 cents ones. I'm going to make some gifts too, and make her some decorations. I hope she has lots of fun.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010


Pink purr pink purr pink purr. Meow meow purr. Pink.

Lickorish wanted a turn to blog. That is what she says. She loves pink. And purple.

Lickorish wanted to say good bye.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Hair cut

Me and Chester. Mom cut my hair!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I can not come up with a title. Right now, i can not even think of what to blog about.
Lickorish, my fat cat is on the computer chair with me, something she does a lot. I gave the cats some food this morning, but Angel keeps meowing for food anyway, and i can hear him and im up stairs and he is down. And Chester is with Angel, Meowing and looking up at you with hopeful eyes. I wish that they would learn to eat the food they have. Sigh.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Just a picture

My little Chester, and her little pikachu.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It is a zoo

Its like a zoo in here. At this house. In MY house. We have 3 cats. 2turtles. And as you know, Saren has a rat. Now she got another, rat, a friend for her fist rat, and is named Milkyway. And now it is a zoo in here.

Kitty pictures (That i took)

Mostly Lickorish.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lickorish thursday

Today I was in my room laying on my bed, when Lickorish came on and started purring like a CrAzY kitty. She was on her side, with her fat belly hanging out. So i put 3 stuffed kittens to her side like they where drinking milk from her. Then, i took my stuffed rat, Tiptoe, and it came to her fake kittens and Lickorish hit it! She thought that that were her real baby's! It was so cute!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Chapter three

When Chester came to a stop, she realized she was not in the forest any more. Now she came upon a street. Cars raced by, and dust filled Chest's eyes. Sweat rolled down her face. Her heart was pounding from the run. She took a minute to look around. She was really in the forest, and really it wasn't a forest. It was a park. A human park. The park was outlined by a chain fence, and it didn't have a playground. It was just grass, trees, and dirt. It was big too, so big it was big enough to have a tribe of cats live there, and still have room for like, two more. Humans did not come, until today. Chester sighed. Her paws hurt, and her mouth was dry. She could still hear the kids screaming back there. They were coming for her. Just then, a small ferret came and joined her beside the fence. Chester looked at her. Then Paranormal turned in to a cat. Chester jumped. "Do you still want to came to my place? It's not in the forest and its cool there." Chest nodded. "Then come on!" She jumped over the fence and lead Chester to the street. She waited till the cars had stopped, then they crossed the road. They came to a damp, cool place behind a hotel. The bedding was a old towel. The food was thrown out garbage. Chester lay down on the old towel. She tried the food. And her new friend turned in to a wolf at night, and hunted for pray. But the one thing was, was that Paranormal did not know about her magic. And for some reason, that bugged her. So one day, she ran across the road. She jumped over the fence. She ran all the way back to the rock door. And then Chester leaped over the rock, and just barely got over. She stomped in to camp. Just then she heard a whine. It was coming from the other side of the rock. Chester went to see what it was. And it was Paranormal. She was a cat. She was crying. "What's the matter?" Asked Chester. "You left me. You don't like me. You want to live here." " I'm sorry, but I just can't live with you. This is my home." And with that, she jumped over the rock again. She walked in to the ladder. "You!" they said at the same time. "I have to come live with you again." "I will let you have anything to have you come back." Said the ladder.

So Chester and Paranormal live together in a tribe of cats. Paranormal finds out about her magic, and loves to use it.

The end.

THE END! My first short story ever finished! Please do not use my ideas Thank you. :)

Silas's birthday

Today is Silas's birthday! Happy birthday Silas!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Chapter two

Hours later, Chester returned to camp. It would have been like two minuets, but Chester decided to take a long cut. She had been wondering if she should tell her best friend midnight, what happened. What if it speed? And if it did, so what? Two voices in side her keep arguing and it made her stop to think. What if- started a voice, but then a cat jumped on Chester. They tumbled down the cliff that let to Chests camp. It was a long way, but when they got down, Chester turned to face the cat. "Let's do that again!" She shouted. Chester was frozen. She tried to run, but her claws dug deep in to the ground. She tried to scream, but her mouth was dry. All she could do was stare. Finally, she just asked what her name was."My name is Paranormal." "I think, anyway." She added . Her pelt was dusty, and had now some blood stuck to it. But you could just make out her the bright yellow on her fur. The sun was coming up now, and the darkness of night faded. "I'm Chester, but you can call me Chest." said Chester, almost hissing as she said it. All the noise woke up the cat of the tribe, the one who was in charge of everything. He growled at Chester, then turned to face Paranormal, who was now chasing her own tail. "Who is this?" he roared. Before anyone could answer, he went on, "Calico, you know better than to bring cats in without permission." And you aren't even LOOKING at her! thought Chester. "You broke the rules, now get out." "What? are you kicking me out?" "YES! Now I have a reason to kick you out." Then he started pushing her out of camp, till they came to the door, which was a rock. "Bye bye!" And with that, he closed the rock. "You can stay at my place." Paranormal said. Chest just stared at her. Suddenly, a few humans jumped out and saw them. "Kitty!" said the younger one, and started running to get them. "No! if you want to take them home, you have to wait till they came to you." Chest started running out of site. She know what humans where like. They fed you sure, but they keep you inside too. And if they let you out, they would have you be on a harness. Paranormal ran with Chester too, but she did not know about humans. "Why did that cat say Calico?" she asked when she came up to her. "That's....my....real....name..." She gasped. "But you said your real name was Chester." mewed Paranormal. Chester gowned. "Hey, let's go to my place now!" She raced ahead of Chester. More humans started coming. There where kids, grownups, and in between. The kids saw them and started racing toward them. Some stayed behind, calling "Here kitty kitty." Some told the parents and asked if they could keep them. Chester saw them. She ran as fast as her legs would let her. Paranormal on the other hand, turn in to a ferret. As a ferret she scattered away. Chester thought she was in china by now. She had out ran Paranormal and the kids, but she couldn't stop running.

Thats chapter two. Please do not take ideas. Thank you. :) More soon.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Rat pics

Saren took all these.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chapter one

Hi, this is a little story of a two cats. I wrote it my self. One cat lives in a tribe of cats, and the outer live alone, and has no idea that she has powers.

Chapter one

Sleep was hopeless. It had been 3 days since she had eaten. And she was so hungry it kept her awake for hours. So Chester went to look for some food. Soon she came across a humming bird. "Dinner," whispered Chester. And then she lunged to the bird and she caught it! She looked at the pray, but there was none to see. The bird had moved right next to her, a dumb move. If it was going to move, it might as well move some were the cat can't see. Wings or not. "Dumb bird" muttered Chester, who was sometimes called Chest. The bird took a step back, then chirped, in cat, "For one thing i am not dumb. and for another, I'm a cat not a bird." Chester took one look at the bird, screamed and ran for her life. Then she saw it. A pile of pray. A mountain of pray. There were birds and mouse's and rats, chicken legs, even a deer or two. Chester forgot all about the talking bird . She jumped in to the pray and eat till she thought she was going to die from being so full. She fall asleep then.

Suddenly, a cat jumped out from the bushes. She jumped in to the pile, like Chester did. She landed right on Chester. Chest jumped up from her nap. The cat had not even saw her! "Hey," She growled in a low voice. "Ahhh!!!" the cat jumped up and screamed, like Chester had. "Shhh!" replied Chest. She looked around. Why had she JUST nosiest all the cats, sleeping right next to the big pile? Why had she JUST nosiest that the this was the cats pray? "What? Why?" Asked the outer cat. Too late. One of the cats woke up, saw them, and... froze. It was like the outer cats pelt had been pink and yellow or something. "Whoa, dude. That cats pelt is like, pink and yellow, dude." "And I'm out of here," Said Chester before anything more wired could happen. She should have just stayed in her camp. First the bird, and then a PLIE of pray, and now this? She dove out of the pile and took one last look at the outer cat, the one the dude had said was pink and yellow. Her mouth fell open. The dude was right. The moon showed the pelt and she saw that not only did the cat have a pink and yellow pelt, but she had a blue and black pelt. "how...." said Chest. "Dude." Said the cat. "WHAT?!"Asked the wired-pink-and-yellow-and-blue-and-black-pelt cat. When no one answered, the cat, right there and then, turned in to a... wolf. Chester almost fainted. She run faster then she had ever ran. Back to the camp.

And thats Chapter one.

More soon. Please do not use my ideas. Thank you. :)

Monday, May 10, 2010


Chester Lickorish And Angel

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Chester Wednesday

This is a new video i do with Chester called "Vampire Chester and the hopeless women who smiles a lot."

Tuesday, May 04, 2010


A few days ago, Saren got a rat. She has named her Skittles and belongs in Sarens room, for if it was in the playroom or the living room, the cats would soon jump in to the rat cage and kill her.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

3 Pictures (That Saren took)

Saren took all of those. If you like them, please leave a comment for her.