Welcome to CrAzY kitty!

Welcome to CrAzY kitty!

Sunday, October 04, 2009


Today i made little ghosts, out of white cloth and grocery bags. It was fun. than we put them up in the living room.


Annika said...

I saw a picture! They look really great. I am thinking about making some for our place.

Amy said...

Hi Harper! I saw the picture, too! It looked like all the ghosts had different faces on them, and I really liked that.

chancie said...

:) <3

Auntie Heather said...

Hi Harper, this is your auntie Heather - I read your blog and really liked it. I didn't see a picture of your ghosts but it sounds like you had fun. I know how you can make ghosts with Irina - trace her foot on white paper and cut out the foot shape - turn it upside down so the toes are at the bottom and then draw a face on the heel part. I used to make those with my kids at Halloween time too!