Welcome to CrAzY kitty!

Welcome to CrAzY kitty!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chapter one

Hi, this is a little story of a two cats. I wrote it my self. One cat lives in a tribe of cats, and the outer live alone, and has no idea that she has powers.

Chapter one

Sleep was hopeless. It had been 3 days since she had eaten. And she was so hungry it kept her awake for hours. So Chester went to look for some food. Soon she came across a humming bird. "Dinner," whispered Chester. And then she lunged to the bird and she caught it! She looked at the pray, but there was none to see. The bird had moved right next to her, a dumb move. If it was going to move, it might as well move some were the cat can't see. Wings or not. "Dumb bird" muttered Chester, who was sometimes called Chest. The bird took a step back, then chirped, in cat, "For one thing i am not dumb. and for another, I'm a cat not a bird." Chester took one look at the bird, screamed and ran for her life. Then she saw it. A pile of pray. A mountain of pray. There were birds and mouse's and rats, chicken legs, even a deer or two. Chester forgot all about the talking bird . She jumped in to the pray and eat till she thought she was going to die from being so full. She fall asleep then.

Suddenly, a cat jumped out from the bushes. She jumped in to the pile, like Chester did. She landed right on Chester. Chest jumped up from her nap. The cat had not even saw her! "Hey," She growled in a low voice. "Ahhh!!!" the cat jumped up and screamed, like Chester had. "Shhh!" replied Chest. She looked around. Why had she JUST nosiest all the cats, sleeping right next to the big pile? Why had she JUST nosiest that the this was the cats pray? "What? Why?" Asked the outer cat. Too late. One of the cats woke up, saw them, and... froze. It was like the outer cats pelt had been pink and yellow or something. "Whoa, dude. That cats pelt is like, pink and yellow, dude." "And I'm out of here," Said Chester before anything more wired could happen. She should have just stayed in her camp. First the bird, and then a PLIE of pray, and now this? She dove out of the pile and took one last look at the outer cat, the one the dude had said was pink and yellow. Her mouth fell open. The dude was right. The moon showed the pelt and she saw that not only did the cat have a pink and yellow pelt, but she had a blue and black pelt. "how...." said Chest. "Dude." Said the cat. "WHAT?!"Asked the wired-pink-and-yellow-and-blue-and-black-pelt cat. When no one answered, the cat, right there and then, turned in to a... wolf. Chester almost fainted. She run faster then she had ever ran. Back to the camp.

And thats Chapter one.

More soon. Please do not use my ideas. Thank you. :)


chancie said...

Excellent, please write chapter 2 soon! I look forward to it <3

Amy said...

"Whoa, dude. That cats pelt is like, pink and yellow, dude."

Hee! Also, yay for Chester the heroine!