Welcome to CrAzY kitty!

Welcome to CrAzY kitty!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Chapter three

When Chester came to a stop, she realized she was not in the forest any more. Now she came upon a street. Cars raced by, and dust filled Chest's eyes. Sweat rolled down her face. Her heart was pounding from the run. She took a minute to look around. She was really in the forest, and really it wasn't a forest. It was a park. A human park. The park was outlined by a chain fence, and it didn't have a playground. It was just grass, trees, and dirt. It was big too, so big it was big enough to have a tribe of cats live there, and still have room for like, two more. Humans did not come, until today. Chester sighed. Her paws hurt, and her mouth was dry. She could still hear the kids screaming back there. They were coming for her. Just then, a small ferret came and joined her beside the fence. Chester looked at her. Then Paranormal turned in to a cat. Chester jumped. "Do you still want to came to my place? It's not in the forest and its cool there." Chest nodded. "Then come on!" She jumped over the fence and lead Chester to the street. She waited till the cars had stopped, then they crossed the road. They came to a damp, cool place behind a hotel. The bedding was a old towel. The food was thrown out garbage. Chester lay down on the old towel. She tried the food. And her new friend turned in to a wolf at night, and hunted for pray. But the one thing was, was that Paranormal did not know about her magic. And for some reason, that bugged her. So one day, she ran across the road. She jumped over the fence. She ran all the way back to the rock door. And then Chester leaped over the rock, and just barely got over. She stomped in to camp. Just then she heard a whine. It was coming from the other side of the rock. Chester went to see what it was. And it was Paranormal. She was a cat. She was crying. "What's the matter?" Asked Chester. "You left me. You don't like me. You want to live here." " I'm sorry, but I just can't live with you. This is my home." And with that, she jumped over the rock again. She walked in to the ladder. "You!" they said at the same time. "I have to come live with you again." "I will let you have anything to have you come back." Said the ladder.

So Chester and Paranormal live together in a tribe of cats. Paranormal finds out about her magic, and loves to use it.

The end.

THE END! My first short story ever finished! Please do not use my ideas Thank you. :)


Amy said...

It was big too, so big it was big enough to have a tribe of cats live there, and still have room for like, two more.

Hee!! I like your style.

I'm glad everything worked out in the end!

chancie said...

that was awesome harper! i really like your dialogue ;)

Stephanie said...
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