Welcome to CrAzY kitty!

Welcome to CrAzY kitty!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Just some stuff about stuff

My birthday is on July 2. Er...I don't really know why I am posting this, but I am.

I am really exited about Warriors the cat book. I have made a Warriors fan club blog, am on the 3thd series called Omen of the stars. Yes, that book is sad sometimes (Cats die) But I can't stop reading it. I just wish it was like..You know...The same thing just....Better. Also. Please, if you are reading or going to this book, then tell me.
I don't know why...

So back to cats and rats! Chester is so good at "Reach" a trick we like to do, where I put my hand and, say "Reach!" And Chester will grab my fingers and pull them down, and I will give her some petting's or a treat. She is getting real good at it. Even Lickorish is starting to learn it.

Rats are so cute! Mimi and Ski. (Nicknames for Milky-way and Skittles.)

Harper wants a Hamster.

Hamster fact: Hamsters are cute!

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