Welcome to CrAzY kitty!

Welcome to CrAzY kitty!

Friday, July 02, 2010

New book part two

Star turned to face Lake. "Lake, calm down. We can work this out. Just give Gray a second to realize that we have to go. Why don't you go and get ready to go?" Lake hissed, turning away, and left. Gray's fur was fluffed up, yellow eyes were wide with stockiness. "It's okay, Gray. Lake was just being rude. It's nothing to worry about. Now go get ready to go." Stars voice was clam, and gentle. "But I have friends here!" Star sighed. "What friends?" Gray felt as if her world was turning upside down. "I..I don't have any. I just made that up." Star looked at Gray with a hint of saddens. "I know how you feel." Gray turned around and left, her tail and head drooping. When Gray had gone, Lake came back. "You were mean to Gray, Lake. She would have been happy to go, if you had not yelled at her. I think you should try and make up for what you did."

It for now


Amy said...


Happy Birthday, too!

Harper said...

Thanks! :)

Harper said...

Oh, and thank you for the birthday card! I loved it!